Diversity, Inclusion & Values

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are core to our mission at  P.I.A Obaseki Foundation and to who we are as a foundation. To address the challenges of a complex and increasingly diverse world, we need to make sure every person has a voice and a seat at the table with us. While we strive to build a future to empower and provide to those around us with the gospel of Christ through our humanitarian effort, we know tackling inequality around the globe begins at home. We are committed to not only creating a diverse team where everyone feels represented and respected but also embedding these values across our work and philanthropy at large. 

Values in Action

Diversity with us at P.I.A Obaseki Foundation is the representation of all our varied individual and collective identities and differences (race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, tribe, caste, socio-economic status, thinking and communication styles, etc.).